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Waterbirds Name Meaning & Image | Water Birds Vocabulary | Necessary Vocabulary



Waterbird / ˈwɔːtər bɜːrd / (ˈওয়োটর্‌ বাঃর্ড্‌) n {Also aquatic bird} [a bird that lives on or around water. Some water birds are more terrestrial while others are more aquatic, and their adaptations will vary depending on their environment. These adaptations include webbed feet, beaks, and legs adapted to feed in the water, and the ability to dive from the surface or the air to catch prey in water.] (জলচর পাখি):  

Waterbird related necessary vocabulary notes

Ø Aquatic / əˈkwætɪk / (ˈকোঅ্যাটিক্‌) n [living or growing in, on, or near water] (জলজ): aquatic plants

Ø Terrestrial / təˈrestriəl / (ˈরেস্ট্রিল্‌) adj [(of animals and plants) living on the land or on the ground, rather than in water, in trees or in the air] (স্থলজ; পার্থিব):

Ø Adapt / əˈdæpt / (ˈড্যাপ্ট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. adapted} [to change ideas or behavior to make them suitable for a new situation] (খাপ খাওয়ানো; অভিযোজিত করা): I have had to adapt quickly to the new system.

Waterbirds Name Meaning & Image | Water Birds Vocabulary | Necessary Vocabulary  Waterbirds Name Meaning & Image | Water Birds Vocabulary | Necessary Vocabulary Reviewed by LeeNotes on September 28, 2022 Rating: 5

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