Waterbird related necessary vocabulary notes
Ø Aquatic / əˈkwætɪk / (এˈকোঅ্যাটিক্) n [living or growing in, on, or near water] (জলজ): aquatic plants
Ø Terrestrial / təˈrestriəl / (টএˈরেস্ট্রিএল্) adj [(of animals and plants) living on the land or on the ground, rather than in water, in trees or in the air] (স্থলজ; পার্থিব):
Ø Adapt / əˈdæpt / (এˈড্যাপ্ট্) v {Pt. Pp. adapted} [to change ideas or behavior to make them suitable for a new situation] (খাপ খাওয়ানো; অভিযোজিত করা): I have had to adapt quickly to the new system.
<SYN> Adjust
Adaptation /ˌædæpˈteɪʃn / (ˌঅ্যাড্যাপ্ˈটেইশন্) n [the process of changing something, for example, behavior, to suit a new situation] (অভিযোজন): adaptation to the workplace
Webbed Feet |
Ø Feed / fiːd / (ফীড্) v {Pt. Pp. fed} [to give food to a person, group, or animal] (খাওয়ানো; খাদ্য জোগানো): The animals are fed with hay and grass.
Ø Dive / daɪv / (ডাইভ্) v {Pt. dived/dove; Pp. dived} [to jump into the water, especially with your head and arms going in first] (মাথা নীচের দিক দিয়ে পানিতে ঝাঁপ দেওয়া): She dived headlong into the ditch.
Ø Prey / preɪ / (প্রেই) n [an animal, a bird, etc. that is hunted and killed for food by another] (শিকার): a cat pouncing on its prey
Ø Circle / ˈsɜːrkl / (ˈসাঃর্কল্) v {Pt. Pp. circled} [to move in a circle, often in the air] (বৃত্তাকারে ঘোরা; ঘুরে ঘুরে চলা; চক্কর খাওয়া): The vultures were already circling around the dead animal.
Ø Overhead / ˈoʊvərhed / (ˈওউভএর্হেড্) adv [above your head, usually in the sky] (মাথার উপরে; আকাশে): Thunder boomed in the sky overhead.
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